Monday, July 28, 2008

Hello Blogness my ol' fren



Ya know, I actually have stuff going on, big things happening, major shake up/changes....and I STILL don't seem to have the ability/need/whatever, to write about it. I am officially...dull.


I'm mayonaise.
I am white bread.
I am bland.


Who wants to read about boring? Geebus, you prolly gots tons of boring laying around the house! You don't need MY boring, do ya? it one of those "Gee, and I thought MY life sucked" kind of things? You know, you read about my life and then you don't feel so bad about yours? "Man, I thought my life was dull and couldn't carry a tune to save my life, but THIS GUY....thank The Great Eyeball(tm) in the sky I'm not THAT bad off.".

If so, if I am doing you good, providing a service (Bom chika-bowm-bowm..), then I shall write about my boring.

Let the boring commence!

.....just not right now.

Well...the boring is constant, I just mean I'm not gonna write about it just yet.


Later skater.


Lushy said...



Desiree said...

I hear that.