Thursday, November 30, 2006

We're changing our name and passing the savings on to YOU!

Something like that.

I'm not the Jerk Of All trades anymore.
I'm a sad, sad, silly, lonely man with a dark sense of humor (humoUr).

Some things will be the same.
The randomness.
The WTF.....?!?-ness.
Hell, I might even post something positive and shiny every once in awhile.

I'm back.
Tell your friends.
I don't have any or I'd tell them.

Ah yes, I'm changing my name.
I have a few to choose from but I think I'm going with one in particular.

Be back soon.


Anonymous said...

i know what you mean about not having any friends. the only human connections i have any more are on my blog or the few that i read.

Robin Alexa said...

I like how you are doing translations for Canadians (humour)...that really grabs my attention.

Robyn said...

I like the slow slip into Brittish English. It adds a sense of glamour.

"Why do we all speak with Brittish accents when we are in space, and there is no Brittain"?

Robyn said...

I don't think I spelled Brittish right.