Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's that time of year again....

where I delete links to people who no longer blog (wimps).

Gretch & Jane, I hardly knew ye. NO, seriously, I hardly knew you. Mainly because you guys didn't post that often even when you WERE blogging. Binny only blogs for "Special" people who are invited. Humph! How rude. Binny and I go waaaaaaaay back in the Blogoshpere, but apparently I'm not "cool" enough to read her blog anymore. :P Fine! See if I care! I hope the Leafs blow goats this year!

....or at the very least don't make the playoffs.


On the flipside o' things, if'n you read my blog (poor bastard) and I don't have your blog (if you blog) linked just let me know and I'll hook you up with some link luv. Which, by the way, sounds like I'll be sending you a bunch of Bratwurst in the mail or sumthin. Mmmm....brats. It IS Oktoberfest time! MMmmmmmm, beer & brats. Beer, brats and WAY too much polka music.

Good times.....good times.....


Spacecake said...

Hey I was just wondering... maybe you'd like to update my link as I don't blog on that old blog of mine anymore. Just an idea ":D".

I've been blogging at for quite sometime now.

I know, such a warm and welcoming URL. I'm like that.

Wendy said...

brat is good until that last bite where it is has become sorta cold and the liver pops forward as the main ingredient.

jeopardygirl said...

WTF! Binny is there, and I'm NOT? What did I ever do to you?


Crystal said...

you got me thinking and damn i could go for a brat with mustard. where the hell am i sposed to het that in h-town texas??

thanks a lot.

Kay said...

Ooh, I think I'll have beerbrats for dinner. I love you for making me think of that.

Bobo the Wandering Pallbearer said...

Speaking of such things, you got any intel on what's up with Ashe Kerreau? He hasn't updated his film review page since he blasted Ghost Rider back in April.

phoenix said...

I wish I knew what happened to our dear Jane... she just poofed! Glad I am still on your blogroll :)

Wendy said...

I feel obsessed with the above pic of whats her name and that fantastic car. But how could you drive anwhere without smashing up the sidesteps. But, man, it's cool.

a girl said...

I bought brats this weekend...thanks for the extra fat and calories.

So, is being on your list of blogs like some elitist thing? Would I feel like a rock star? If so, please add me because I need all the help I can get...or not, I really don't ever blog about anything interesting.

zero hour said...

ummm..please sir , may i have some more?

a girl said...

What happend to all the cutie vlogs? I was starting to like those.

Rockstar Mom said...

Mmmm, beer and bratz. Shiner, Texas or bust. It's a birthday month too...which means more money for more beer and bratz.

Susan said...

Where's my link. JERK!

Unknown said...

Life is not just fun. GO LEAFS GO!