Sunday, March 09, 2008

There Will Be Blood

Did you know that if a girl/woman has an extremely low amount of iron in her system combined with thin vaginal walls, that she could almost bleed to death during her period?

Nether did I until my girlfriend almost passed out on monday from "heavy" bleeding. Apparently, if one bleeds too much and they have a very low level of iron, that since their body has become used to it, a transfusion of "normal" blood could cause them to go into shock and could KILL them.

Interesting, no?

She's fine.

Take your iron ladies.


Susan said...

Believe it or not, I knew that. Odd. I wonder why?

Wendy said...

I did not know that. How have I not been dead?

Good advice.

~**Dawn**~ said...

Holy crap. I never would have even thought of that!

Rockstar Mom said...

You could have just said "Eat your meat."