So, the other day I went to see "Chuck & Larry". It was ok. Wait to rent it. If you just can't wait, go see the matinee if you can find a theatre that still offers cheaper prices. All I can truly recall about it is an equally hot/terrifying scene involving 5 or 6 asian girls running around in their undies.
This post isn't about that. Not Chuck & Larry OR my irrational fear of asian women. It's about the trailer I saw for the movie The Invasion. When it first started, I thought "Whoa, somebody remade The Andromeda Strain?". That's cuz the trailer doesn't start out with the title. Once it got going I was all" Geezus, ANOTHER remake of Invasion of The Body Snatchers?!". This has to be at least the 3rd or 4th one that's been made, right?
First you had the classic..
"They're already here!!"
Then there was the laate 70's one....
(Jerk points finger at you) "Wwwwrrrroooaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrghh!"
Then there was the one with that hot chick.....
( I got nuthin)
I'm pretty sure there was a Roger Corman produced or some other cheapo 80's version with a different name that was the same thing, and this isn't even counting the movie The Puppet Masters which is based on Robert A. Heinlein's book that came out BEFORE Invasion of The Body Snatchers so the movie seemed like a bad "Snatchers" ripoff when really all these flicks are good Heinlein ripoffs. Kind of like when those crappy Allan Quatermain movies starring Richard Chamberlain & Sharon (ugh) Stone came out trying to cash in on the Indiana Jones action. Indy is a really, really good ripoff/tribute to Allan Q who's stories predate the Speilberg/Lucas stuff by almost a hundred years. I digress...
It get's me thinking about how many MORE versions I'll see before I croak and wondering why nobody can seem to come up with an even halfway original idea in Hollywood. M. Night Shayamanamanamanon I thought had something, but he's turned into a one trick pony. It's a good trick, but after awhile it gets old. If you're gonna remake old SciFi stuff I can rattle of a list of some flicks that would be awesome with the right people and decent money spent. Lemme get some work out of the way and I'll be right back with that list, k?
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
one of us now....
Posted by
Jerk Of All Trades 2.0
6:21 AM
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That hot chick is Gabrielle Anwar and she's still hot. Check out Burn Notice, she's in it. She did something funky to her mouth though.
And OH MY Daniel Craig is in this new Body Snatchers remake? YESSSSSSS my precious! YESSSSSSS!!!!
Yeah *coughs* he's okay.
yep. There are so many flicks coming out that are horrible knockoffs. I sit there watching previews in the theater and mumble to myself in disgust. There is a film that may have already come out that was a cheap teenage version of "Rear Window". Teenager stuck in his house because of of ankle jail tracker and sees neighbor doing "bad things." Think Anthony Hopkins might be in it?
I think all the good music has been recorded, all the good stories told. There is nothing original left in man's head.
I'm so ready for the list...and you are so right about the m.knight shalamonish guy.
Forbidden Planet would ROCK with some money behind it.
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