Saturday, April 05, 2008

Hey, Santa does it! a way...

One day I was running late, and it was right before my bedtime when I realized I didn't have any clean pants to wear to work. So, I did a load of laundry, and just threw one pair of pants into the dryer and went to bed. The lateness carried over to the next day and so I showered, and grabbed my pants out of the dryer, got dressed and bolted off to work.

At the end of the day, when I got home I was taking my shoes off when I noticed something baaaaaaarely poking out of one of my pant legs.

In my haste to get a pair of pants washed and dried, I failed to notice that I hadn't emptied the load of socks I had dried earlier.

I had gone all day at work with a nice, thick, white athletic sock stuck, by the magic of static, to the inside of my pantleg.


A wave of brief horror went through me as I realized, that at any point during the day, the sock could have flopped out further or completely come out and made it look like I stuffed my pants to make it look like I have a large packet.

I check the dryer to make sure it's COMPLETELY empty before I throw a new load in now.


Wendy said...

LOL! Sock stories, always a good tale. Those suckers appear, disappear...hey maybe you are where socks go when they disappear?!

You are sock purgatory.

~**Dawn**~ said...

LOL! I can't stop laughing at "the sock could have flopped out further or completely come out and made it look like I stuffed my pants to make it look like I have a large packet."

jeopardygirl said...

Well, Jerky, at least it wasn't your underwear...

SDW said...

You call it a "packet"? Like a sugar packet?

That's wack, man.

SDW said...

You call it a "packet"? Like a sugar packet?

That's wack, man.

Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

I heard a british guy say that he liked to wear "trousies that make him look as though he had a large packet". It cracked me up, so I've been saying it ever since.

Crystal said...

ha! good thing it wasn't woman panties

Rockstar Mom said...

Me thinks that if you call it a packet, it just ain't that big no matter what you do to it.

Me Myself and I said...


come on, admit it, you were stuffing, weren't you?

Anonymous said...
