Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Does this count?

I don't really have anything to post about.

(Was it good for you?)


Crystal said...

thanks. make me a sandwich.

Crystal said...

btw, i saw your picture comment. i had a lower blepharoplasty. weeee! much less painful than a deviated septum surgery.

Rockstar Mom said...

Jerk, I am not a regular reader of your blog, although I have popped in here once or twice. I see you comment on Nikol & Dez's blogs tho.

So with that said, I thought you might like to know you are were the brief subject of a very odd dream. It may have been a less than flattering situation for you...and I didn't mention it in the post, but you come up in the comments.

So if you are interested at all, go check it out. I am sorry I was less than friendly to you in the dream. But I think we (meaning myself and the others....) had girl talk to tend to.
