Do you have any idea how odd it is to feel bad/sad when people tell you how much they like you?
Do you know what it's like to avoid people, to hope that they don't talk you, to NOT want people to get to know you because you don't want them to miss you?
Do you think it would be funny, sad, ironic or just plain "Hm....weird" if one killed themselves on their birthday?
I shant, just wondering. I was thinking ironic in a "it's posta be our BIRTH-day not checkout date" kinda way. I think that only a person with OCD would off themselves on their b-day, but who knows. I'm sure some smartass thought of it before me and actually did it.
You know what's odd about my recent depression?
This new apathy.
IT's new to me anyhoo.
I don't care.
I mean, even if/whem I do have thoughts of suicide, it's quickly snuffed with a "Meh...what's the point". (I typed pint there first. Fruedian slip?)
That's it! A great slogan! "Don't kill yerself, have a pint!" Guiness can have that one for free. I'm sure M.A.D.D. won't approve, but Friends Against Dead Friends won't mind. Man, is it just me or does that sound like a necrophilia club? (shudder)
Lately my moods seems to be:
1) Sad
2) Angry
3) Apathetic
Yes, I am an apathetic person (A pathetic person?) most of the time.
I don't care.
I was trying to explain it to someone. It's not an angry "Fuck this! I don't give a shit anymore!! Grrrrr!" thing. It's a.......blankness. That's the best way I can put it. Blank. Does anyone remember the game show Match Game? That's me.
Jerk is ______.
The other day I had a lovely talk/fight with my soon to be ex-wife. She asked me if I EVER loved her. I didn't know how to answer. It's one of those "Does this make me look fat?" questions. In a way I guess my depression is good. I'm finally going through with the divorce. The main reason? Because if I get weak, choose the cowardly thing, she won't have to handle all the funeral/money crap. There's a cheery thought. Just sayin, it's floating around in there.
You know what else I did the other day? I told someone that I like that I sometimes wish I'd never met her. Isn't that a horrible thing to say to someone? Maybe not an enemy or someone you hate.
You know, I seem to type "you know" a lot.
You know, I've been thinking that one of the reasons I still blog is that you guys won't miss me if I'm gone. I mean, you don't really know me. If I no longer posted, you'd never know what happened to me. Now, waaaay back with the old blog, I was funny, prolific....geezus, can you imagine that I used to post someties up to 8 times in a day?! No shit. I always had something to say about something. Hell, I even had stuff to say about nothing. Im just writing this shit because I'm sitting in a big empty warehouse by myself and figured it'd be SOEMTHING to do even though my weird blankness had me sitting here staring at a stack of boxes for.....dunno....half an hour? Yeah, the balnkness makes me just zone out. Last week, Wednesday I guess, I came home from work and just sat down. That's it. NO TV, no computer, no music, I didn't eat the lunch I bought, didn't pick up a guitar....I just sat there. I get home around 12:40-ish (I work 4am till noon) and I didn't snap until somebody knocked on the door trying to sell shit a little after 3pm. Didn't care. Got up, threw my cold whatever it was in the trash (wasn't hungry) and then...I don't knwo what I did. All my days are one big blurry....thing.
Ah, the sadness has kicked in. It happens when I think about how I am lately. I get sad because I can remember being this other guy......a long time ago....I was not like this. It seems like a long time ago anyway.
Just last night I was talking to a friend on the phone and she was telling me that she wished she could just shake me. "Snap out of it!!" SHe kept telling me "This isn't you. You're the upbeat guy. The guy who always see's the upside. You get bummed but you always shake it off. You're the guy who lifts other people up, shows them that there is love, beauty, joy.....this isn't you."
All I could say was "I know.".
I know.
Don't you think I dont know? IF could stop this, don't you think I WOULD? Why do you think I go to therapy? Yes, I do. I know it probably doesn't read like I do, but you have no idea and I'm sure you dont want to know how bad I was a month or so ago.
I didn't want to wake up.
Now....I dont care. I guess (shrug) that's an improvement of some kind. No?
The thing that I dont get is, I dont' even know WHY I am this way now. Maybe my spirit finally got broken. I dunno. All I know is that Im not the cheerleader anymore. If someone came to me depressed and asked me to give them a reason, hold onto, a reason to go on......
I don't have anything.
I dont' care.
I don't CARE.
Im not sure I can get it across the right way.
I wouldn't tell them to go ahead and do it. Fuck no. I would just tell them "I don't know. Don't ask me. I've got nuthin. Go ask someone else. Find your own reason. Sorry. I know how you feel. I know you don't beleive me. I know it doesn't help or matter to know that I do. Good luck."
I truly beleived that there was love, happiness, better thigns out there than some of us were experiecing.
I dont beleive that anymore.
I lost it.
Whatever that IS...hope?
I dont have that anymore.
I hope less.
I dont like it. Im working on getting it back. I WANT it back. I NEED it back. It's gone and I can't find it. YOU can't help me. No one can really help me. YOu've got to find your own thing I guess.
Only...sometimes the blankness man....
I don't care.
I don't CARE anymore.
I know of no other way to put it.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Posted by
Jerk Of All Trades 2.0
8:28 AM
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I know I can't "help" you... but I can buy you a pint... (oddly I actually typed point there... really) too bad points can't be bought. I thought I had one, but can't remember now. Pint instead?
you should smoke out. definitely. the world never looks more clear when your only concern is a cheeseburger and a nap.
That's the thing about depression. It can be debilitating and disheartening, and you can swear there's no bottom to the thing.
I'm not going to say there's a way out, because that would be stupid. I haven't been able to find my way out yet, either.
Just know you are not alone. There are others in the same boat. You might want to ask for a referral to someone who can prescribe meds--just until that old spark comes back (if it does).
Please don't kill wouldn't do that to your mom, would you?
You are a smart guy J and I understand that what you are feeling is debilitating. (Scuse any misspells... typing is a chore these days)
I am going to pick my words as carefully as I can... what I am going to say is not meant to offend in anyway, K?
You don't want anyone to feel sorry for you or show pity; understandable. You are probably not understanding these events much either. I am betting that with your IQ not understanding these events is frustrating you as well.
Loneliness is a horrible thing. Finding love to only be rejected can rend your heart and soul into a million tiny, irreplaceable pieces... or so we think at the time of the abandonment. I know, because I have been through it as have many others. You just want to crawl into a deep dark hole to never see the light of day agsin. You think life is not worth this pain. It is... it so is.
Time and space can heal the worst of hurts. We tend to take out our frustrations on others. We can't deal with happy people and so we do our best to make others as miserable as we feel.
Sadly, there is no instant cure for depression that doesn't involve drugs... and even then it is only masking the problem.
My first instinct when I see you falling into the black pit is a deep need to want to hug you. Sometimes a plain, simple hug can prevent my own falls into those pits of hell. They are far and few between for me to avoid all my depressions.
If you EVER just need someone to listen or talk to, I am your gal. I am older, wiser and not easily offended or put off by someone smarter than me. ;-) I have the patience of an elephant waiting on its baby to be born and I am not a female threat of attraction because of my age (even if I do have funhair! :P)
Alabama! Wrong game... :)
darlin', the biggest problem with opting out is that we chose to be here in the first place. if you opt out early you'll just have to come back and finish the job. meh. so hang in there.
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