Friday, December 29, 2006

A is A J is J

First, again, I am NOT going to kill myself. Sometimes I just do these kind of garbage dumps where I empty out, vomit if you will, all the negative energy/bullshit out of my noggin. I mean nothing by it other than to get it out. I'm sorry, truly, if I scared anyone. I'll try to just do it the old fashioned way, pen and paper, and then look back upon it shaking my head and then tearing it up. I binge on deep thought and grapple with "existence". Sometimes it piles up and I need to purge k? Please don't worry. God made J and saw he was good, said he was good and J was swell like to warm the cockles of yer heart.

Unless, I'm writing one of my "erotic" story's. Then, apparently, I warm something lower.


I need to stop over-thinking things. Which is VERY difficult for me to do. I need to stop it though. I don't impress anyone with my "Deep thoughts" and all I do is get a headache.


Robin Alexa said...

read the book "The Secret" or watch the movie??????????


Last time I will mention it, I promise, but PLEASE DO IT OKAY?

Anonymous said...

you didn't relink me. I'm sad.


Happy Christmas/Boxing Day/New Year though :)

Anonymous said...

i think most of your readers (well, at least i do) know that you're just talking about stuff here and not actually about to go do them. hell, that's what blogs are for, venting, right? at least that's what i use mine for.

btw, i like the mental imagery of "noggin vomit". nice ...

Anonymous said...

I know, I know.


Anonymous said...

1. well, don't do it with a gun. that is messy. and then they can't donate your brain to science to try and figure out wtf you were thinking.

2. more eroticism please. i am sick of the suicide bullshit already.