Monday, December 18, 2006

OMG y'guys HE knows (knew) what I meant!

Thou sovereign of my heart treasured in the deepest fastness of my chest, in the fullness of my thought, there ... unknown divinity! Oh, can I really believe the poet's tales, that when one first sees the object of one's love, one imagines one has seen her long ago, that all love like all knowledge is remembrance, that love too has its prophecies in the individual. ... it seems to me that I should have to possess the beauty of all girls in order to draw out a beauty equal to yours; that I should have to circumnavigate the world in order to find the place I lack and which the deepest mystery of my whole being points towards, and at the next moment you are so near to me, filling my spirit so powerfully that I am transfigured for myself, and feel that it's good to be here.

- Søren Kierkegaard about his beloved Regine

"Kierky" was a romantic muthaphuc weren't he?

Let me tell you, it's really cool to find out that somebody could put into words EXACTLY how you feel and to know that you're not the only idiot who's become a completely tard over a girl.
Poor bastard.
She married another guy and Soren here croaked a sad lonely man.


1 comment:

Robin Alexa said...

Plonky you will find a woman and I will find a man and we will send eachother emails about how happy we are and that all of the others we were with before lead us to this person, the ONE.

Typing that was the equivalent of sticking my fingers down my throat.

Binny go puke now. :)