Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Pull

I know this is going to sound crazy, but if you've been here awhile you should expect no less from me.
Off and on I've noticed that I can "pull" things into my life. It only seems to happen when I'm "positive" or under a SHITLOAD of stress. It might not sound too weird because I've met at least two other people that can do it, and I THINK that in one of the blogs I read somebody said they've noticed it happening to them. Now, the thing that makes it not coincidence, is the fact that I/we can "Call our shot". If I'm in the right "mood" (I know other way of putting it), I can picture something, or maybe something will just pop into my head for no reason and within the next 24-72hrs it will show up. I've "pulled" phonecalls from people. I've recently "pulled" a friend I haven't talked to in 8yrs into my life again. Actually, just about every close friend I used to hang with has contacted me ot of the blue or I've "found" them. All of them, ALL of them have mentioned "That's funny, I was JUST thinking about you the other day.". kind of crap. Lately I've "pulled" books into my life. ONes I've been looking for forever, and ones that just happen to be EXACTLY what I'm going through.

Odd ones have shown up too. I woke up the other day with the the image of an easter egg or a Faberge egg in my noggin. Three days later my mom gives me a book she thinks I'll like and within the first 20 pages they mention a faberge egg. Which is really odd, because the book doesn't have damn thing to do with Faberge eggs really.

Lately, as you can guess, I've been trying my damndest to "pull" HER into my life. Visualizing her. Sending positive thoughts and wishes of strength her way. I don't think it's working though. In fact I think the more I TRY the more she pushes me away.

I've had a lot of weird things happening lately. The other day I awoke and was angry at HER. I was so tired of this, ready to just give up on her, on US. Those were my exact thoughts. "That's it! I'm fucking DONE. As much as I hate to say this, I'm fucking done. You want to give up on YOU...FINE. I'M giving up on you TOO dammit!". I sit down and turn on the TV, and I shit you not, there's this kid on the screen and he says "Don't give up on me.". Several kids, one right after the other "Please don't give up on me. Don't give up on me.". I don't even know what the hell the commercial was FOR. I haven't seen it before OR since that day. The next day, I'm still feeling like giving up right so as I'm getting ready to write a pissed off email my mom's flipping channels and wherever she stops this guy says "I can't believe you're just going to walk away like that. Don't you even care?".


This can only mean one thing.

I've lost my friggin mind.


I've been trying to find the theme song to this TV show "Now & Again" (did anyone else beside me watch that show?). I've had no luck. Just about an hour ago I foudn it on MySpace. The lyrics are similar to what's been going on.

CLICK THIS and select "Gimme a sign" on her music player.

Odd hey?


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I am going to start trying to "pull" some winning lottery numbers my way.

Nah - that sort of thing has never worked for me :)

Me Myself and I said...

Have you read the Celestine Prophecy?

I'm very intruiged by this 'pulling'. I sure wish I could pull a million bucks my way ;)

Tempter Of Fate said...

Have you managed to pull Joel back too? Where and what the hell has that boy been up to? You're gonna have to re-tell the car wash story you know...

Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Yes, yes I DID Trav (another old pal and odd coincidence). I'll send you his number.

I can't tell the carwash story better than I did the first time and it's gone. Maybe some day.