Thursday, December 21, 2006

Still mo' friggin snow

The closer bit of dark red (It's red honest) is my car.
If you look at the previous posts, you'll see that there's a fence that goes under the tree out to the curb. It's there still trust me.
It's hard to tell with this pic, but that's about 2 1/2 to 3ft (76-91cm)of snow from the "yard" to the bottom of my door and it goes all the way out to the street. The 10yr old boy that lives within me is DYING to just LEAP off the step into all that snow and I'm damn tempted to let him. Maybe later I'll bundle up and take a stroll to get better pics.


Anonymous said...

I say, let the 10-year old out to play! Then get back inside and let the adult keep warm...I recommend hot chocolate with Bailey's.

Anonymous said...

This is when you need a small animal, preferably a cat.

To throw into the snow and check the depth.

What? Trust me, they just luuuuv it.

Fig said...


I showed these pics to my daughter and she is soooooooooooo jealous.

I think you should go outside and make some snow Jerks... and take some pics!

Susan said...

I was wondering what the hell happened to you! How are you?

Anonymous said...

still only rain here in indiana. not that i want the amount of snow you poor guys got in colorado but still ... a little white christmas wouldn't be such a bad thing ...