Friday, December 15, 2006

Just think about it

You are never given a wish without being given
the power to make it true.
You may have to work for it, however.

Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. Being true to anyone else or anything else is not only impossible, but the mark of a false messiah.

Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have drawn them there.
What you choose to do with them is up to you.

- all 3 from "Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"

We truly do reap what we sow.
If all you think about is negative or painful, that is all you will have and attract.
In just the past couple weeks I have "drawn in" several friends from out of my past. One, I haven't talked to in over 5yrs, but got word from another recently "drawn in" that she just happened to run into him and gave him my number. SHE hadn't seen him in more like 10yrs. If you TRULY believe you can change something, you CAN. The only thing I'm having difficulty with now is patience. All the things I want WILL come to me, it's already started, I just need to be patient. I can make it all happen, as can you, because WE are the center of our universe. Every person on this planet experiences reality differently. A custom made reality for each and every one of us. Everything that happens to us, around us, is BECAUSE of us. we tend to think we have no control, no control at all and that things are happening TO us, but they happen because of us. If you can get INTO a bad place you can get out. You found the path there, you were the one that took the turns to get there, you can just as easily turn around and get out or find a different path to take.

It IS that simple.
It's just scary.
Scary, and troubling to know "Holy shit....I did this TO MYSELF!!".
You can't focus on that though. It only gets you nowhere. It makes you focus on the negative, and makes you feel bad about yourself.
Look, everybody makes bad decisions. Acknowledge them and move on. They were learning experiences. Now you know what NOT to do. You're better for it. Take that and move on. If you focus on what you did wrong, or how much time you've wasted you'll just give up before you start. "Look how much times gone's too late. I may as well just stay here. I deserve this. I did it to myself.". Don't think that way. It's silly and not true. Yes, you made your bed, but you DON'T have to lay in it. You can yank all the covers off and start over or go buy a different bad all together.

If you can make it, you can UNmake it.
It's all in you, in me.
Look around.
If other people can be happy, so can you.
None of us are alone; many before us and many currently are going through the same troubles and have iether gotten past them or are GETTING past them.
If others can change their lives, move on, get through things, so can you.

So can you.


Have a great weekend!


Robyn said...

"They were learning experiences. Now you know what NOT to do. You're better for it. Take that and move on."

Probably the best advice I've ever heard.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Talk to you next week!

Anonymous said...

have a great weekend!

Robin Alexa said...


Reminds me of this book my mom just got called The Secret...I have only read bits of it but it is REALLY awesome.

Anonymous said...

it seems that in the past year we've each been travelling paths that often run parallel. very cool.